Ductal Thrush Treatment

Some medical professionals may not be completely sure about ductal thrush treatment. How do they deal with milk duct infections other than prescribing strong and sometimes harmful medications. Are you wiling to heal your excruciating pain from candidiasis in milk ducts naturally?

Ductal thrush treatment involves applying certain creams on the affected area or taking oral solutions. Ductal thrush is a yeast infection that invades the milk ducts due to a variety of reasons. You can keep breastfeeding your baby with thrush in milk ducts.

Here is a list of treatments you can use right away. Each person is different and healing time depends on which method used and other factors. Just as an estimate it may take 3-7 days to completely cure ductal candidiasis.

  1. Grapefruit seed extract
  2. Raw apple cider vinegar
  3. Direct sunlight
  4. Strengthen immune system
  5. High doses of probiotics
  6. Avoid sugar and possibly wheat products

For specific instructions on how to use these methods please see thrush treatment.

For temporary relief, you can also try using Motherlove Herbal Nipple Cream This ointment will not cure the infection but it may provide at least some comfort from the never ending stabbing pain felt on the breast nipples. You can also apply cold-pressed virgin coconut oil as well to sooth other ducal thrush symptoms.

Thrush Nursing/Breastfeeding

Having a plugged or clogged milk duct is different than having a ductal yeast infection. Plugged milk ducts can usually be released/treated by hand massage or using heat packs on the bump. Ductal thrush treatment is more difficult and requires using some of the methods used above.

In either condition, you should still breastfeed your baby so he/she gets needed nutrition. Stopping breastfeeding can cause the breast to further engorge with milk causing more pain for your breast yeast infection. If the breast becomes too full, try using a breast pump to empty the breast and possibly drain the plugged milk duct. Also, if ducts continue to get clogged, a condition called mastitis can develop. Mastitis is a benign infection with the symptoms of localized breast tenderness, flu-like feelings, fatigue, headache, and muscle aches (Wambach, 2003).

If you've tried all the examples here, and still feel excruciating pain you may want to visit a lactation consultant or naturopathic physician in your area.

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