Recurring Yeast Infections

Recurring yeast infections in a male, toddlers, and woman could mean diabetes or other illness. Causes vary from oral contraceptives to a diet high in sugar. Symptoms may occur before or after period but there are many different ways to cure or apply treatment to the specific area of your body prone to a recurrent yeast infection.

Recurring Yeast Infection Causes

Some of the most common risk factors that increase the chances of contracting a yeast infection, jock itch, or athlete's foot are taking antibiotics or steroids, thyroid or endocrine disorders, eating food containing sugar, and taking birth control pills/high estrogen contraceptives.

If you've been exposed to any of these things, Candida albicans may be present in unusual quantities. Birth control pills upset the balance of microorganisms in the body causing infection. The infection called Candida albicans is a fungus also referred to as a yeast infection. It grows in a sugar rich environment. So, in other words, the more sugar you eat, whether it be fruit or cake, the more Candida will thrive.

To be certain that you have a yeast infection see your doctor first so he/she can rule out other conditions like bacterial vaginosis (inflammation of the vagina) or sexually transmitted diseases which often resemble a yeast infection but require different treatments. This applies to men, women, and children.

Recurring Yeast Infections
Before and After Period

Due to hormonal fluctuations around the time of a woman's menstrual cycle, a yeast infection is more likely to occur during that time frame. Blood also makes the vagina wetter and less acidic.

Major body changes like pregnancy can lead to an infection because more sugar (glycogen) will now be present in the vagina due to hormone levels that are constantly changing.

It compounds the problem if a women eats food high in refined sugars, dairy products, and vegetable oils. As mentioned earlier, these foods only provide fuel for the yeast to grow. Without a proper balance in nutrition, recurring yeast infections will likely continue.

Recurring Yeast Infections in Toddlers

If your child has yeast infections it's best to take the child to the doctor and test for allergies, diabetes, or a compromised immune system. Children with autism are often administered antibiotics at an early age which kills the beneficial bacteria in their system. This absence of “good” bacteria is the common cause of a yeast infection.

There are certain things that can be done immediately if yeast overgrowth is the culprit. First, start by eliminating all refined and processed foods, sugars, milk sugars (lactose), simple carbohydrates, and any other food that may cause an allergic reaction. The list of food to avoid includes fruit juices, hot dogs, corn, white rice, sweets, potatoes, breakfast cereal, milk and any food that contains sugar. The goal is to starve the yeast and have it die-off and stop the recurring yeast infections.

Herxeimer Reaction

There is an after-effect of being on a sugar-free diet. Medical doctors call Candida die off symptoms the Herxeimer reaction. Because the yeast no longer has its food supply of sugar and refined carbohydrates, it can not live in the body and starts to “die-off” and release toxins. During this phase, people become weak and fatigued almost feeling like they have the flu.

If this happens it is a sign that your chosen remedy is working and the dead cells are leaving the body. Usually it will only last for a short period of time. People with weak immune systems and chronic yeast infections will need to adjust their herbal concoction or medication to a lower dosage if the die off happens too fast and toxins are not escaping the body fast enough.

Start serving meals full of vegetables and lean protein. If you're using natural remedies, you'll also need to use nutrients and herbs to cure recurring yeast infections. Once the yeast is under control you can start adding more prohibited foods back into the child's daily diet as long as there are no allergic reactions. But, high carbohydrate foods and high sugar foods should always be kept at a minimum or the yeast infection will most likely come back.

Recurrent Yeast Infection Symptoms

There are so many symptoms associated with Candida albicans and recurring yeast infections it can affect various parts of the body. This makes it difficult to diagnose. Often a person has many different symptoms all at once which can also lead to misdiagnosis. Candida can affect the gastrointestinal tract, fingernails, toenails, ears, mouth and nose. The list of symptoms are extensive:

  • abdominal pain
  • sore throat
  • diabetes
  • white spots on tongue (thrush)
  • rashes
  • constipation
  • gas
  • craving for sweets
  • diarrhea
  • colitis
  • low libido
  • arthritis
  • incomplete elimination
  • severe itching
  • rectal itching
  • depression
  • muscle pain
  • fatigue
  • heart burn
  • painful breastfeeding
  • constant coughing

  • Recurring Yeast Infections Diabetes

    Ongoing yeast infections can also be a sign for diabetes. Diabetes allow for too much sugar in the urine. If you have diabetes and keep getting recurring yeast infections it means your diabetes is not under proper control because yeast thrives on high blood sugar. Once blood sugar levels are under control, the amount of yeast infections should dramatically reduce.

    Other than diabetes, recurrent yeast infections can also be a sign of an underlying immune deficiency. If your not sure, remember your doctor can order a blood test for HIV antibodies or other tests to find out what may be going on in your body.

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